
Offers Enormous Investment Potential

 Biotechs, Pharmaceuticals, Hospitals, Medical Devices, Medical Systems, Med Services ...

Where Does One Begin?

  Prudent Healthcare  

a monthly model portfolio service in partnership with Seeking Alpha

A Model-Driven Systematic Investing Healthcare Portfolio
That Combines...


Our system sifts through healthcare companies, analyzing them on a variety of criteria. The focus is on stocks that can potentially deliver strong gains. Such a pursuit of returns also increases volatility. After various iterations, we arrive at a ranked list of stocks that are then used to construct the model portfolio. Discipline is important in pursuing an investing system, and we follow the system rules diligently.


Wealth-building requires Patience. A system needs time to work and deliver results. Patience is required when following any investment strategy or system that you have confidence in. We judge our system over the long-term (3+ years) and not fixate on short-term monthly performance. Just as a plant takes time to grow into a tree, so does a portfolio as it compounds and grows its gains over the years.


Through a combination of Prudence and Patience, the system is able to achieve consistency of Performance. Healthcare is a sector of high promise and high volatility. The disciplined approach allows the portfolio to be positioned in some of the strongest names. Even though there are ups-and-downs, the system has historically delivered strong performance well in-excess of benchmark returns.  

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from the Portfolio for the Next 12 Months?

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Using Quantitative Investing
for Superior Performance

Repeatable With Discipline & Patience

Prudent Healthcare Performance

What Does A Member Receive?

The monthly model portfolio service combines quantitative analysis
and a systematic investing approach to healthcare investing. It is
particularly appropriate for millennial and DIY investors who
wish to guide their portfolios, but are unable to engage in the
time-consuming research and constant follow-up.

Prudent Healthcare ~ Know When To Invest

A Complete quantitative healthcare model  portfolio

Know when to GO and when to WAIT. You don't have to fly blind or invest through guesswork. The investing methodology uses a rules-based, systematic investing approach to develop a healthcare model portfolio. Know when the portfolio is fully, partly, or not invested. ~ Membership

Monthly Edition of Prudent Healthcare portfolio and any intramonth updates

Members receive instant access to the Prudent Healthcare monthly edition and intramonth updates. The model portfolio of up to 10-positions is laid out clearly. The edition is published near the start of the month. No need to track ideas daily or even weekly. ~ Attractive performance over time

A historical track record of consistent outperformance

The healthcare sector is volatile and news-driven. But it also presents great opportunities. Through patience, discipline, and a quantitative approach, the model portfolio delivers performance that historically has significantly exceeded benchmark returns.

A monthly portfolio spreadsheet with the current portfolio and performance record is also provided

Seeking Alpha

The Prudent Healthcare model portfolio service is offered in partnership 
with Seeking Alpha, the largest crowd-sourced financial content
service in the US. Seeking Alpha manages the service while
the model portfolio is developed by us relying on our
systematic and quantitative investing methodology. ~ Trial Period

Trial Period

Seeking Alpha offers a risk-free, 2-week trial period. You may cancel for a full refund if you find the service is not an appropriate fit to your investment objective.


Discounted price of $346
(20% less) for first time subscribers. Annual plan is one-third cheaper than the monthly plan. 


The service is available on the Seeking Alpha (SA) website. Use the SA login to access the Members Area for the monthly edition and any intramonth updates. Editions for last 3 month are available.

the journey Begins...

Graycell Advisors, and its affiliates, officers, employees, families, and all other related parties, collectively referred to as ‘Graycell’ and/or ‘we,’ is a publisher of financial information, such as the Prudent Small Cap, Prudent Biotech, and Prudent Healthcare newsletters. We are not a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). Historical performance figures provided are hypothetical, unaudited, and based on our proprietary analysis and system performance, back-tested over an extended period. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have limitations, and unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading and consequently do not involve the financial risk of actual trading. The performance results obtained are intended for illustrative purposes only. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. All stock and related investments have a degree of risk, which can result in a significant or total loss. In addition, the biotech industry and small caps are characterized by much higher risk and volatility than the general stock market. Information contained herein is general and does not constitute a personal recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual investors. If you decide to invest in any of the stocks of the companies mentioned in the newsletters, samples, alerts, etc., sent to you or available on our websites, you can and may lose some or all of your investment. You alone are responsible for your investment decisions. Use of the information herein is at one's own risk. We are simply sharing the results of our model. Nothing should be construed as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any securities, and we are not liable nor do we assume any liability or responsibility for losses incurred as a result of any information provided or not provided or not made available on time, herein or on our website or using any other medium. We cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information furnished by us. We may or may not have existing positions in the stocks mentioned in our reports. Our models are proprietary and/or can be licensed and can be changed or revised based on our discretion at any time without any notification. Subscribers and investors should always conduct their due diligence with any potential investment and consider obtaining professional advice before making an investment decision.

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Prudent Healthcare

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