
 Biotechs, Pharmaceuticals, Hospitals, Medical Devices...

Monthly Performance

Illustrating the monthly movement of the Model Portfolio and the S&P Healthcare Index

Performance Prudent Healthcare
Monthly Performance of Prudent Healthcare and S&P Healthcare Index

The model portfolio was available to subscribers from 2019 and prior performance is back-tested.
Historical performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Annual Performance

Annual Performance of Prudent Healthcare and S&P Healthcare Index

The model portfolio was available to subscribers from 2019 and prior performance is back-tested.
Historical performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Hypothetical Portfolio Performance

Performance of Prudent Healthcare and S&P Healthcare Index 2015-2023

The model portfolio was available to subscribers from 2019 and prior performance is back-tested.
Historical performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Cumulative Performance

Cumulative Performance of Prudent Healthcare and S&P Healthcare Index

The model portfolio was available to subscribers from 2019 and prior performance is back-tested.
Historical performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Risk Measures

Risk Measures for Prudent Healthcare and S&P Healthcare Index

Prudent Healthcare

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